Licensed Acupuncture Therapist and Personal Trainer
I believe the goal of Chinese medicine is to restore the individual's proper balance and assist with the ability to maintain it. This is done by restoring the proper flow of qi and blood while integrating the mind and body.
To do this we employ a combination of the techniques of acupuncture, tui na, gua sha, Cupping, and moxabustion
Because each patient’s needs are different, all treatments are based on the individual. Chinese medicine can successfully treat a wide array of medical disorders but it also can be very effective in combination with western medicine. It is encouraged that in these cases especially, the patient adheres to their doctor’s advice so they can get the best of both medicines.
My goals for PT clients are functionality and longevity. Every workout will contain elements of strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance but I believe those elements shift according to the day. There are days when a person feels strong, so on those days, strength is the focus. There are days when a person is bounding with energy. On those days, aerobic and anaerobic intensity is the focus. And there are days that you just don’t feel up to it. On those days, grounding, micro-movements, and flexibility are the approach.
My background in both of these health fields has solidified my belief that the mind-body connection must always be taken into consideration when working with a patient. They are constantly affecting each other, so they must be treated together. Even a seemingly simple case of acute injury has an effect on the mind. We might experience anger, fear, or sorrow. All of these issues need to be addressed and can be addressed while simultaneously treating the injury or recovery from injury.
There are times a deep stretch can bring up strong emotions that surprise us. Chronic injury and pain can lead to depression.
Holding onto these emotions can also lead to digestive disorders, menstrual irregularity, fertility issues, headaches, body pains, anxiety, or sleep disorders.
The key is to help the individual find their own internal balance by giving them the ability to recognize their own patterns.
I incorporate Chinese medicine, personal training, or a combination to help a person achieve that goal.